Saturn in Aquarius will bring us a different type of order. Accepting your individual quirks might be a struggle, but developing the courage to blaze a different trail can help both you and others. The third house is involved with communication. Our goal now should be to imbue our groups (including government) with a greater sense of universal responsibility. Get in check with the other person and give them some space. Saturn Return In Aquarius. If there is a big gap between your idea and the reality of what your body needs, that could become apparent at your sixth house Saturn return in Aquarius. The rebellious spirit of Aquarius was witnessed with this transit. You can become authority, as you bring a serious vibe to the table and people tend to listen to you. Now its Aquarius turn to get scrutinized by the Great Teacher. Here for a little over 3 months, Saturn will retrograde back to Capricorn come July (staying there until December of 2020). I have very little knowledge of Astrology, but I sense a lot of truth in this article. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. As a fixed, air sign, Aquarius is all about considering innovative ideas, while also keeping a sense of tradition in place. My name is Karen, for 19+ years my career as a psychic medium, a professional astrologer, and a spiritual advisor has given me the fulfillment to be able to help others in simple ways using the advantage of my abilities. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Aquarius freedom and rebellion come from somewhere else. Social media platforms were more popular during this time, especially the exponential popularity of TikTok,because people either wanted to connect or they wanted to explore their creative path. The eleventh house is associated with friendships and community groups. It really is appreciated. This typically happens between ages 27-30 and 56-58, give or take, depending on whether you were born during a Saturn retrograde. If you have Aquarius in your third house, you may be very comfortable with using technology to communicate. With Saturn in Aquarius, combined with Neptune in Pisces, we will pointedly see the ineffectiveness of the individual. During this two year period, Saturn will retrograde twice, and station direct twiceprolonging Saturns stay in the sign its placed in. Some of Saturns keywords are rules, discipline, patience, responsibility, and maturity. Along with your systematic approach to planning your goals, your innovative and scientific mind allow you to achieve your endeavorsbut only with hard work and perseverance. When Saturn is in Aquarius, you might feel as if you are restricted in the way you think. It is also linked to higher education. If you want to contribute to society by making it better, then open your mind, have a broader perspective. However, your aspiration of making the world a better place wont happen without commitment and perseverance. With Saturn in my second house in Capricorn, it was time to put value to my qualities and my Uranus wanted me to find more progressive and original ways to make money. By the time you reach your second Saturn return in Aquarius, some of the obligations that seemed pressing earlier in your life, like committing to a career or raising children, may be in a more settled place. Uranus in Aquarius: Change the World with Your Open Mind! Please consult your doctor before taking any action. Being reserved in a social setting serves as a barrier to reaching your highest potential as an Aquarian native. As an Aquarian native, you are a bit. And therefore, the effects this transit has on the natives are long-lasting and intense, for all zodiac signs. However, with Saturn in your sign, you can only create change in the world through hard work and perseverance. Always curious, Aquarius is looking for ways to improve humanity without getting too attached, as air signs are know for their detached view of gathering information. Because of this innate ability, you can make a difference in the world by bringing your vision into reality. Saturn is rules and discipline, and Uranus is freedom. Obstacles are always present. Join 48.000+ other followers and subscribe to weekly Astro Butterfly updates: This blog post is an inspired contribution to helping make the world a better place. However, if you tend to be an open e-book, your third house Saturn return in Aquarius might encourage you to develop more caution about what you put out there on the Internet or in your text messages. You can solve societal problems and succeed in your humanitarian goals if you have a systematic and methodological approach. Does it mean Saturn in Aquarius is all about restrictions? There is no right or wrong way to pursue freedom. Individual education, effort and awareness will matter, but only in the context of the group. It will help you in your pursuit of humanitarian causes. This is beautiful, very well written clear and useful report thank you so much! You might be surprised how accepted you are. Holding space nailed it for me. Written by someone with Saturn in Aquarius. Are you living the life you choose or the life that your family chooses for you? What makes you special? So many of the people I know who are pushy about the scientism narrative have never read a single scientific article in their life, have never worked in research or healthcare. Saturn is the planet that forces us to shape up. The twelfth house is associated with secrets and things that are out of view. is one of the most anticipated transits of the year. Holding space is a term used in coaching and it means being physically, mentally and emotionally present for someone. Ive been trying to explain to my family, for example in Lithuania, what is it to hold space. As you may already know, Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions are very cyclical and belong to 200-year elemental cycles. To see what to expect from this transit lets review what Saturn and Aquarius stand for. Saturn is at 6 degrees now so its sitting practically on top of my Saturn and heading towards my South Node in Aquarius at 7 degrees. Depending on our birth sign, we survive our Saturn Return in different ways. It is more about ideas, policies and new visions for the future. Anyone who has Saturn in Aquarius in their birth chart is currently experiencing their Saturn Return: Those born between February 6, 1991 and May 20, 1993, along with June 29, 1993 and January 28, 1994, are going through their first Saturn Return, while those born in the early 1960s (specifically between January 3, 1962 and March 23, 1964, as . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Because Saturn stays in a sign for so long, the Saturn return lessons typically begin around 28 and end around 30. Time for some honest talk so both parties understand what they want out of life. Some rules are meant to be broken, and thats precisely what your Saturn return is all about. The current Earth cycle will end on December 20th, 2020 and the AIR elemental cycle has begun on December 21st, 2020. Yep, it's time. You are encouraged to interact with others without being afraid to be yourself. The symbolism of the eleventh house overlaps substantially with the symbolism of the sign of Aquarius, so an eleventh house Saturn return in Aquarius may have a double dose of the basic Saturn return in Aquarius symbolism. With Aquarius in your twelfth house, you may try to conceal from others how quirky you are. Youth seems like a faraway place. Collectively, we are more attentive to bringing fairness and more awareness for long-term change. Each Saturn return might repeat several times due to . Dear Reader, March will be a major turning point of the year for three major planets will change signs. At first you might be scared as I was similarly, but it led me to a more wonderful life. Those with a Saturn in Aquarius were born between: -January 3, 1962 to March 23, 1964 The moment Saturn moves into the zodiac sign your natal Saturn is placed in marks the beginning of your Saturn return, and once Saturn leaves the sign, your Saturn return has officially ended. You will be surprised, how many people want to listen to your wise words. Do not be afraid beautiful souls, everything happens for a reason and the right path has been given to you by Saturn return, with force or no force. Pluto replacing Saturn in Aquarius will continue the transformation of the internet and the way we access and share information. Are you willing to take risks and face more challenging situations in your journey to realizing your dreams? In the next 2.5 years, the fight is not against them, but against our own limiting beliefs against what keeps us small, enslaved and out of integrity. If you have Saturn in Aquarius, congratulations your Saturn return is now complete. I work in the energy world, and I believe the ability to take the complex ideas and concepts to a level of mundane and basic is one of the most challenging things to do. Saturn return is the moment, when transiting Saturn returns on the same birth position . if we all keep this in mind while working in a group by retaining a universal attitude (dissolution of the ego), things can work. Saturn Return Calculator Returns on the same birth positionAstrology Online Calculator. How to Get Through Your Saturn Return as an Aquarius Native? Saturn Return In Aquarius. How To Talk Dirty To A Leo Man? Freedom cannot exist without self-responsibility. If your time of birth is known, your astrological chart can be divided into twelve houses, each focusing on a different area of life. The gun is in the caliber .270 ICL, which is a hot .25 caliber round. Saturn in Aquarius promise of freedom may not sound very attractive, but that may be because we might not even know what it means to be free. You could even become a parent. Saturn Retrograde 2022: At present, Saturn is transiting in its original sign Aquarius, i.e. The sign Leo wants to be special, but Aquarius wants to bring his or her own uniqueness to the group.Work on new progressive projects and/ or thoughts and share them with the group. It will reveal what is truly possible in your life, your natural talents and abilities, and exactly what you need to do to increase your energy, take action, and conquer your day, week, month - even year! If your ideas are basically grounded in reality, your second house Saturn return in Aquarius could be a time when your sense for sniffing out the next big thing pays off. is the great teacher. The ninth house is associated with the systems of beliefs that make up society, like philosophies, legal codes, and religious doctrines. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Saturn in Aquarius is no exception. This Saturn Return may be a little more potent in that there's a real possibility of creating something new with long lasting benefits. Saturn in Aquarius 2020-2023 What to Expect, Astrology Of December 2020 Jupiter Conjunct Saturn in Aquarius, New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius Reboot, Astrology Of December 2020 - Jupiter Conjunct Saturn in Aquarius -, Astrology Of 2021 - One Way, Or Another -, Saturn Square Uranus 2021 - The Clash Of The Titans -, Pluto in Aquarius 2023-2044: Power to the People -. Many people are going through big changes during this age, they will get into a serious relationship, have children, start their own company, move countries or stop all of it to change. On March 7th, 2023, Saturn will change signs and enter the sign of Pisces, where it will remain there for the next 2.5. The fourth house focuses on home and family matters. Gun features a tapered round high polish blued barrel with a muzzle brake marked "Saturn" and "270 . I realized I was not on the right path. This house all has to do with your friends and how you present yourself in groups. Aquarius wants to be part of a larger group and explore what differences unites us. 3. Are you living the life you choose or the life that your family chooses for you? Work on your self-image, and try to take things lightly. Your second Saturn return at age 59 is often a culmination of life experience or a . Saturn takes about. To obtain this and other important information about Amana Mutual Funds, Saturna Sustainable Funds, Sextant Mutual Funds, or Idaho Tax-Exempt Fund in a current prospectus or summary prospectus, please visit Forms & Literature or call toll-free 1-800-728-8762. How long is Saturn retrograde Aquarius 2022? From 12th July 2022, Shani Dev will once again come to his normal sign Capricorn and will stay there for the next 6 months and will come to Aquarius on 23rd January 2023. This is the last house in astrology which all has to do with solitude, higher purpose and serving on a larger scale. Make weird the new trend and by this you accept yourself. You are there, you care, but you dont judge. Saturn will transit to Aquarius on Jan 17, 2023. 169. Saturn enters Aquarius on December 17, 2020 and will stay in Aquarius until March 2023. The trick in finding your place in groups is to find your own unique self. Saturn in Aquarius will bring us a. Aquarius is ruled by both Saturn and Uranus. Are you having a though time to connect with the roots of yourself, like your family. This path you want to take is not easy. And we did (willingly or less willingly). The seventh house talks about romantic partners, but also about business partners. The significance of Saturn Return in our birth chart involves adult obligations and responsibilities, marriage and commitments, and long-term careers. Saturn return is another name for the Saturn conjunct Saturn transit. Your challenge at your first Saturn return in Aquarius could be finding the balance between honoring your individuality and acknowledging that sometimes engaging with imperfect social institutions is necessary for you to get what you want in life. You are maybe aloof and detached in your earlier life, now is your time to embrace your emotions and be warm. The tenth house is involved with matters of career and status. Again, the theme of unity and collective connection appears. I assume we look to the house it occurs in for each of us but having trouble understanding how much impact it will have (in my 6th). Saturn stays in each zodiac sign for about two years. Are you eating healthy? Lets do a short recap on what Saturn means through the houses and what you can do about it, so you can focus on those goals. Where do you want to be toward the end of your life, and what do you have to do now to get there? This is not just a Saturn-Jupiter conjunction this is the first conjunction in an Aquarius since the early 15th century and the cherry on top is that it occurs exactly at 0 Aquarius. Humanity as a whole has taken too much freedom and too little self-responsibility. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. This is BIG. Save up to $1,697 on one of 144 used Saturn IONs in Sparks, NV. Saturn in Aquarius is all about teaching us how to modify outdated systems, while still maintaining some form of boundary or structure. Once you hit your stride, though, you may find that your commitments to groups and organizations become overwhelming for you. In general, having Saturn, the planet of restriction and limitation, in the fourth house can reflect that you felt like you did not get the nurturing you need growing up. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. This is an exceptionally good post to read. Life is not always a suppression, light up and try to have some fun, you deserve it! Thank you for writing this! 192. r/astrologymemes. Saturn and Uranus couldnt be more different. Aquarius compatibility with each zodiac sign. Last January 2020, with the Saturn/ Pluto conjunction, I was diagnosed with a heart condition that lead me to stop drinking alcohol, the anti conception pill and leading a more healthy life style as I am forwarding in my spiritual path. You might begin or end a commitment to a particular career. 150. Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. Having meetings or virtual gatherings over zoom became more acceptable. Thats because Aquarius is NOT the Government. The previous period of Pluto in Aquarius (1777-1798) was in the West marked by ideas-led revolutionary wars in Europe, the United States and Haiti, including the Batavian Revolution in the Netherlands and the Irish Rebellion of 1798. . A shift in mentality will be focused on your stability, how you see yourself and your place in the world. Remote schooling and work have also transformed into hybrid positions. Not because they felt defeated, but because they no longer felt represented by those in power. Saturn returns essentially mark the end of a 30-year-cycle in your life, while also setting you up for the next 30 years. You can check out your own chart and see where Saturn is placed in your chart and read one of the descriptions above. Think about how this might unfold in your own life and the Aquarius part of your chart. Aquarius is an Air sign, so it is about space. Your perseverance and effort will pay off in the end. 2nd Saturn Return in Aquarius at 5 degrees. The 12th house in astrology is truly a mystery. (After Breakup, No Contact), Do Aquarius Women Come Back? Having fun in your spare time seems like a difficult job? With Saturn being the Lord of karma, this is no surprise! Saturn in Aquarius is about how we, as individuals every single one of us contribute to a better world by helping ourselves, our fellow humans and other living beings. Many people have realized that the Internet is a very potent tool. Thanks again!! Copyright @ All rights reserved to Love for AstrologyTheme BlogBell by. This path you want to take is not easy. Being too rational is never healthy. With Aquarius in your fourth house, you may come from a quirky and independent family. When Saturn Return hits, it hits hard. There is also a strong relationship with the opening and unblocking of the 5th chakra. Your intellect might be off track and you feel that you are not accepted in groups, as Aquarius is connected to the 11th house, with Uranus as its ruler. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. You might be drawn to do these things because they are expected of you, yet you could also wonder if they are really right for you personally. If you have long held off on taking a risk that appeals to you, your second Saturn return in Aquarius might be a good time to finally make your move. Technology was supposed to make our life easier or more enjoyable, not to get us subdued by it. They dont always have to agree with what you believe. This time around, the ongoing cycle of Saturn is in the sign of Aquarius from March 21, 2020 to July 1, 2020 and from December 17, 2020 to March 7, 2023, according to Cafe Astrology. Only you have to believe in yourself. The clearer you can be about what youre looking for, the more likely you are to find it. If you have Aquarius in your tenth house, you might be drawn to a career where you get to innovate, perhaps involving the use of technology. If you are already a parent at the time of your fifth house Saturn return in Aquarius, you could be challenged by the growing individuality of your children. You might feel like you have to become a parent in order to be a proper adult. Start telling people how you feel and keep a journal! With Aquarius in your fifth house, you may not be satisfied with the script your culture gave you for dating, mating, and having children. It continues to influence us as we move into adulthood. From today through to July 1st, Saturn will begin its journey through Aquarius. Right now I am 29 years old and I am going through my own Saturn Return experience, which I can say has been life changing in many ways. Being reserved in a social setting serves as a barrier to reaching your highest potential as an Aquarian native. Every person I've met with Taurus placements, absolute neat-freak, anal-retentive about their spaces being clean. All positions and duties are important to a group. Breakups, pressure to get married and starting a family, establishing a stable career, leaving home to a foreign land, and awareness of mortality are some of the issues we must face in this period. Now that you are older, you are asked to be more mature by learning to listen to others opinions and ideas. There is a reason why Aquarius follows Capricorn. North Node in Aquarius: Strive for Selflessness and, Saturn In Aquarius: Commitment to Change and, Saturn Return in Aries: Sense of independence, Saturn Return in Capricorn: Attaining Success with. It can even take in paranormal experiences where the basic structures of the physical world do not perform as expected. If youre someone with Saturn in Aquarius, youre meant to challenge tradition. Whoever you consider your peer group might be a big part of your eleventh house Saturn return in Aquarius. Saturn comes back to help you overcome the difficulties you have in your twenties, especially when it comes to interpersonal relationships and your tendency to be rigid. Through the power of social media, we may have transformed relationships with others and how we show up for them. I know everyone thinks Virgo is the "neat-freaks" of the zodiac. Spot on is all I can say! Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Saturn is the great teacher. Real democracy happens when people contribute to the best of their ability to a better society, (rebellion without taking responsibility) to, that comes from the ability to manage oneself, (promoting scientific information without fully understanding it, while bullying those who have a different perspective) to, based on critical, bias-free thinking, and years and years of study, . Excellent post! We can not have Aquarius promise of freedom unless we learn how to deal with rules, processes, and hierarchies (Capricorn) first. Feeling threatened by their desire for independence could be a signal that you need to discover your own. Pisces, we will pointedly see the ineffectiveness of the year youre meant to be,. To connect with the roots of yourself, like philosophies, legal codes, and station direct Saturns. 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